Many things in your home, apartment, or workplace can catch fire when exposed to cigarettes or ashes. It's much safer to smoke outside.
Or, smoke inside. Start a fire. Light something ablaze. Sit back and watch it burn.
Then, send it our way. We'd like to take a look.​​
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Cigarette Fire is beauty for ashes. We publish work that catches our attention as quickly as a cigarette butt starts a wildfire.
We are excited to publish poetry, fiction, flash non-fiction, visual art, and anything else that might spark our imagination. We publish new and experienced writers alike. Please submit all work in one document (Word, Google Docs, or similar file type) to with a brief biography.
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Submissions are currently closed.
For poetry, please submit no more than five previously unpublished poems.
For fiction, please submit one previously unpublished story or short story (1,500 words) or flash fiction (500 words).
For flash non-fiction, please submit no more than three pieces (500 words).
For visual art, please submit no more than three pieces as JPG files, including an artist's statement.
We do accept simultaneous submissions, so long as you contact us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
For all works published, we retain first serial rights and ask that you cite Cigarette Fire as the first place of publication. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.